The Rev. John D. Alexander, S.J. Brooklyn Prep Alumni Association Endowment Fund

The Endowment Fund was established by the Board of Directors on December 6, 1997. The fund has grown in value from $826,000 in 1999 to $6,500,000 in 2024. Since the inception of the BP Alumni Association in 1961, our Alumni have provided more than $4,715,000 to Jesuit High Schools for needy students. During that time we have assisted well over 1350 students in attaining the same Jesuit education that we all cherish. We currently donate $35,000 each year to Canisius High School, Fordham Prep, Loyola High School, McQuaid High School, St. Peter's Prep, Regis, Brooklyn Jesuit Prep, and Xavier High School. These scholarships are made possible by the incredible generosity of our Alumni.

Alumni can feel confident that all donations to the BPAA scholarship fund go 100% toward scholarships. No money donated to the BPAA scholarship fund has ever been needed to cover BPAA non-scholarship related expenses. The sum of annual dues and the net proceeds from the BPAA annual dinner and golf events have been sufficient to pay all BPAA expenses. 

Our Board of Directors is comprised of 15 Alumni in addition to our Moderator, Father Ken Boller SJ, and our Chaplain, Father Dan Gatti SJ. The Endowment Fund is managed by Vanguard. Cash reserves are held at JPMorgan Chase Bank. An audit is completed annually by Citrin & Cooperman at our June 30 fiscal year-end.

In 2006 the Board put in place a legal document "Last Man Standing" which assures that our endowment will continue to function and support Jesuit education for needy students after our final Alumnus has passed on.

Charitable Status

Tax advisors, attorneys, and estate planners may request documentation on the charitable status of the Brooklyn Prep Alumni Association. The following link will provide this information.

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Financial Reporting

BPAA 2018 - 2019
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BPAA 2020-2021
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BPAA Draft 2022
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