Latest Alumni News

Thoughts from Father Dan Fitzpatrick SJ on the Fifth Sunday of Lent.

5th Sunday of Lent – 2020             A major theme that runs through St John’s Gospel is the continuing conflict between life and death. Recall that two weeks ago we heard the encounter between Jesus and the Samaritan woman. He offers her “life-giving water.” The water is the sign of…

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Some kind and meaningful thoughts from our Moderator, Father Dan Fitzpatrick SJ, Class of ’53

Prenote: We are all living in quarantine in our Jesuit Community. I’m sure many of you are in different ways helping out in what way you can in your community. I asked myself what can I do at this time? Even If I can not help people in need physically,…

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Canceling May Dinner

It is with great sadness that we have decided to cancel our May 7th Annual Dinner and, especially so, for the Jubilee Classes, but we have to keep in mind that all of the men that come to the Dinner are in the highly vulnerable category.

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Updated the BPAA website and Alumni database

We have recently updated the BPAA website and will be reopening the Alumni database soon!

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Pictures From Our 58th Annual Dinner – May 9th, 2019

Please CLICK HERE to view, on SmugMug, some wonderful pictures from our 58th Annual Dinner. Many thanks to Greg McQaig ’71 for his tireless efforts over the past decade to memorialize BP events.

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The Class of 1969 – 50th Anniversary – May 9th, 2019

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Our Annual Dinner Is Just A Week Away – Thursday, May 9th. Purchase Your Tickets Online Today!

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Our 1966 Alumnus of the Year, Joe Califano

Our 1966 Alumnus of the Year, Joe Califano ’48 former Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare, is interviewed by Father Matt Malone, President of America Media.

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Brian Duffy ’68, President of the BPAA, Ken Charles ’69, Rich Cummings ’69

Brian Duffy ’68, President of the BPAA, Ken Charles ’69, Rich Cummings ’69  

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Jack Raslowsky, the President of Xavier High School, wearing his BP shirt while walking the Camino in Spain.

Jack Raslowsky and his team at Xavier High School are the BPAA biggest supporters. From hosting our Annual Dinner to providing office space and support for the BPAA administration. We can’t thank you enough for your dedication to the BPAA.

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