Lifetime Goals
For The Graduates of Brooklyn Prep
The harmonious development of the student's faculties: his intellect, so that he thinks clearly; his will so that he remains true to the highest ideals; and his body, so that it is a healthy co-worker for the salvation of his soul. The development of true and perfect Christians who understand Catholic doctrine and practice, and who participate in the Apostolic work of the Church under the leadership of the hierarchy. The development of Catholic young men who model their lives on Christ, the Blessed Virgin, and the Saints; who measure everything in life by the yardstick of eternity. The development of students who have a genuine appreciation for things cultural; who are competent in the arts of expression both written and spoken; who are capable of leadership both religious and civic. The development of citizens who have a knowledge of our American heritage of democracy, who are loyal to our American ideals and who will participate actively in the government as voters or as officials.
circa. 1910